2018 International Conference on Social Computing, Behavioral-Cultural Modeling, & Prediction and Behavior Representation in Modeling and Simulation
July 10-13, 2018, Lehman Auditorium, George Washington University, Washington DC, USA

There are a limited number of scholarships available. There are two types of scholarships available: travel for PhD students and a Diversity scholarship. These scholarships provide a limited amount of funding that can be used to offset registration costs and possibly cover a limited amount of travel. Please follow the directions below to apply for these scholarships.

Scholarship for Students

SBP-BRiMS 2018 has obtained grant funding that will provide a number of registration and travel scholarships for students, to help them attend the conference. These awards will cover early registration costs for local students. This can include tutorial fees. For non-local students, the award will cover early registration, tutorial fees, some travel, and lodging expenses. The total amount in this case is $800. The goal of the student scholarship is to help promote increased attendance by college students. The successful applicant can apply the scholarship to pay for conference fee, tutorials, and/or travel. Preference is given to those students who are presenting papers or posters, or taking part in the challenge problem. To help further reduce attendance costs, participating students may wish to share rooms with other attendees. All people receiving either travel grants, graduate student consortium grants, or diversity scholarships must still register and pay for the conference and any tutorials they are interested in attending. There are no refunds on registration.

Amount: Determined based on need. Scholarships are based on actual expenses and are not a fixed amount. The maximum that can be received per person is $800.

When applying for a student scholarship you will need to use the conference registration system. In that system:

  1. Fill out all contact information
  2. Submit a statement, no more than 800 words explaining why they wish to attend the conference; confirm what university you are at; the name of the program; and your advisor's name and contact information; and explain why you need the financial support.
  3. Provide the name of your advisor, the university of your advisor, and your advisor's email and phone number.
  4. 4. Denote which of the following were submitted: full paper, short paper/poster or challenge submission.

In addition, have your advisor send an email to sbpbrims@andrew.cmu.edu confirming that the applicant is at that university, that they are a student in good standing, and that there is a need for financial support.

Diversity Scholarships

SBP-BRiMS 2018 has obtained grant funding that will provide a number of registration and travel scholarships to promote diversity. Support will be available to participants from underrepresented groups (racial minority, females, or participants from the social sciences, economic or managerial sciences, or biomedical research fields) to help them attend the conference and contribute to the disciplinary diversity. These awards will cover early registration costs for local conference participants. This can include tutorial fees. For non-local students, the award will cover early registration, tutorial fees, and some travel, and lodging expenses. The total amount in this case is $800. These awards are available to students, post-docs, and non-students who belong to one or more of the underrepresented groups indicated. The goal of the diversity scholarship is to help promote involvement by diverse groups. Preference is given to applicants who are presenting papers or posters, or taking part in the challenge problem.

Amount: Determined based on need. Scholarships are based on actual expenses and are not a fixed amount. The maximum that can be received per person is $800.

When applying for a diversity scholarship you will need to use the conference registration system. In that system:

  1. Fill out all contact information. Gender and race is mandatory.
  2. Submit a statement, no more than 800 words explaining why they are applying for the diversity scholarship. You should confirm both the basis for the diversity claim and your need for financial support.
  3. Provide the name of a contact from your university or organization who can confirm your claims, the name of the university or organization, the contact's email, and the contact's phone number.
  4. Denote which of the following were submitted: full paper, short paper/poster or challenge submission.

In addition, have your contact - a person at your university or organization - send an email to sbpbrims@andrew.cmu.edu confirming that the applicant is at that university or organization, that their diversity claim is true, and that there is a need for financial support.

2016 Student Travel and Diversity Awardees