Send email to and say what you are interested in doing - e.g. being a topic chair, reviewing papers,
getting industry participation, running a workshop etc. Submit a paper, demo, tutorial, etc.
Can I get a letter to support my Visa Application?
Yes. To get such a letter email and request the letter.
Please note the dates needed. In addition, if you are giving a paper, a
poster or submitting a challenge response mention that so we can add it
to the letter. If the letter needs to be addressed to someone in
particular, please provide that information.
Can I attend only the tutorials?
Yes. There is a charge for attending the tutorials. You can pay just
to attend a tutorial. We would like to see you at the conference too if
your schedule allows. Hence there is a discount for the tutorials for
conference attendees.
What is a no-host reception?
A no-host reception is a social gathering where each person is responsible for paying for their own food and drink. The conference organizers arranged a venue - but no food or drinlk is covered.
If I am giving a presentation do I need to also create a poster?
Only if you are the winner of the challenge event.
I am presenting a poster, what do I need?
You are responsible for printing and bringing your own poster to the conference. An easel will be provided, but not posterboard.
The poster should be either 4’x3’ or 3’x4’.