Demo Submission: 17-May-2019
Author Notification: 03-June-2019
Demo submissions are a short description of the software to be demoed and a PDF of the accompanying poster. All accepted demos will be run simultaneously during demo sessions with the posters shown behind the demos. All demo submissions (description plus PDF of poster), if accepted, will be published on-line only in the on-line conference proceedings.
Description: 2-6 page description as a PDF. Should include contact information for whom to contact for access to the technology. This can be in the format of a brochure.
Poster PDF: PDF that supports the demo.
Suggestion: Participants may want to use Jupyter to demonstrate their code and results. Examples can be found here, Sample Jupyter Notebooks.
Description and PDF of poster should be sent to the conference committee at
For accepted demos the description and the PDF of the poster will be put on the conference website under the on-line proceedings.
Presenters are responsible for printing and bringing their own poster and any machines needed for the demo. They are also responsible for removing the poster.
All demos will be done during the demo time and attendees will be able to move from one demo to another.