2019 International Conference on Social Computing, Behavioral-Cultural Modeling, & Prediction and Behavior Representation in Modeling and Simulation
July 09-12, 2019, Lehman Auditorium, George Washington University, Washington DC, USA

NEW! NSF Scholarship for Doctoral Consortium

Doctoral Consortium Scholarship Application Deadline: NA

There is only one type of scholarship available: Travel Funds.

Travel Scholarship Application Deadline: 31-May-2019

Note: Students can either get general scholarship or a doctoral consortium scholarship, not both.
The scholarship can be used to cover either travel or registration or both.

Conference participants can apply for these awards. Level of participation in the conference, travel needs, and diversity will be considered when reviewing applications. Scholarships are based on actual expenses and are not a fixed amount. The maximum that can be received per person is $800.

When applying for travel awards, you will need to use the conference registration system. In that system:

  1. Fill out all contact information
  2. Submit a statement, no more than 800 words explaining why they wish to attend the conference; confirm what university you are at; the name of the program; and your advisor's name and contact information; and explain why you need the financial support.
  3. Provide the name of your advisor, the university of your advisor, and your advisor's email and phone number.
  4. Denote which of the following were submitted: full paper, working paper, challenge submission, demo submission, tutorial, or graduate consortium materials.

In addition, have your advisor send an email to sbpbrims@andrew.cmu.edu confirming that the applicant is at that university, in good standing, and that there is a need for financial support.

2016 Student Travel and Diversity Awardees

2018 Poster Session

2018 Disinformation Challenge Contestants