17th International Conference on Social Computing, Behavioral-Cultural Modeling, & Prediction and Behavior Representation in Modeling and Simulation
September 18-20, 2024, Hybrid.
Gates Hillman Complex
4902 Forbes Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15213.

All papers are eligible to be considered for the Best Paper Award. Papers with student first authors will be considered for the Best Student Paper Award. Those receiving these awards will be invited to publish an extended version in a special issue of the journal Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory.


Full Paper Submission: 2-Jun-2024
Author Notification: 30-Jun-2024
Final Files Due: 14-Jul-2024

Submission of Panels, Challenge Solutions, Tutorials & Working Papers: 21-Jul-2024
Author Notification: 4-Aug-2024
Final Files Due: 1-Sep-2024

Submit your paper here. Until the final paper deadline, you will be able to update your submission.

Note: Only original material should be submitted. Commercial papers, papers with no new research/development content, and papers with proprietary restrictions will not be accepted for presentation.


The papers must be in English and MUST be formatted according to the Springer-Verlag LNCS/LNAI guidelines. View sample LaTeX2e and WORD files. All regular paper submissions should be submitted as a paper with a maximum of 10 pages including references in Springer template . Total page count includes all figures, tables, and references.


All presenting authors, including oral and poster presenters, agree to the following conditions by submitting a paper:

  • Register and pay a unique author registration fee for each accepted paper. Early registration ends 11-Aug-24.
  • Attend the meeting in-person (wherever possible) and present at their scheduled time.
  • Review 2-3 papers for the conference.
  • Publication of Proceedings in Springer LNCS and Online

  • Full Papers accepted for publication will be archived in the Springer-Nature LNCS series. All other papers will be hosted on our website for one year.
  • Authors of Full Papers must be authorized to transfer copyright of the manuscript to Springer or provide a suitable publication license.
  • Program Chairs/Editors may require authors to revise their manuscript before approving publication and reserve the right to reject for publication any paper that does not meet acceptable standards for a scientific publication. Program Chairs/Editors decisions on whether to allow publication of a manuscript are final.

    See Challenge page for more information.


    See Panels page for more information.


    Several half-day sessions will be offered on the day before the full conference. More details regarding the preconference tutorial sessions will be posted as soon as this information becomes available..


    The purpose of the cross-fertilization roundtables is to help participants become better acquainted with people outside of their discipline and with whom they might consider partnering on future SBP-related research collaborations. The Funding Panel provides an opportunity for conference participants to interact with program managers from various federal funding agencies, such as the National Science Foundation (NSF), National Institutes of Health (NIH), Office of Naval Research (ONR), Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR), Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA), Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), Army Research Office (ARO), National Geospatial Intelligence Agency (NGA), and the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA).


    It is anticipated that a limited number of travel scholarships will be available on a competitive basis to students who are presenting papers. Please see this page for more details on submission requirements


    Submissions are solicited on research issues, methodologies, theories, and applications. All computational social science papers and panels are welcome. Some illustrative topics include Topics of interest include but are not limited to the following:

  • Social Cyber Security
  • Trust in AI; Human-AI Interaction
  • Blockchain and Privacy-Preserving Technologies
  • Social Media Analytics and Network Science
  • Applications (Healthcare, Economics, Government, Military, etc.)
  • Online Collective Action, Social Movements, and Mob Dynamics
  • Military in the Age of AI
  • Cognition and Organization Theory
  • Disinformation, Deepfakes, and Online Harms
  • Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn to receive updates.


    Download Call for Papers in PDF format here.

    * Late breaking and short papers are now referred to as working papers.



    The submission website is available here. To submit your paper, use the standard Easychair submission website. Until the final paper deadline, you will be able to update your submission.
    2018 Challenge Problem Winner - Disinformation Challenge
    Kai Shu, Deepak Mahudeswaran and Huan Liu: FakeNewsTracker: Towards Fake News Collection, Detection, and Visualization

    2018 Challenge Problem Winner - Opioid Challenge
    Savannah Bates, Vasiliy Leonenko, James Rineer and Georgiy Bobashev: Using Synthetic Populations to Understand Geospatial Patterns in Opioid Related Overdose and Predicted Opioid Misuse